Thursday, March 28, 2013

This week mattters..... a lot.

This week is the most important week the Christian Church has seen in years
The way the Christian Church responds in this week is the week that the next year hinges on.  If we, as Christ's Body, respond wrong we will have years of digging out to do.  If we are unable to fight for what really matters this week we have lost the battle and are failing at being God's people. If the response here is not right I might be finding my way out of the Church for a few years.

This week is important because it is holy week
This week matters because as everything else goes on around us we need to focus not on politics and homosexuality but on the fact that this weekend Jesus carried his cross to a hill and died to show love to sinners like me.  He took on the death that we all deserve.  He died a horrific death, that I deserve, to be the sacrifice we all need to set us free from sin. When Friday comes the focus needs to be on the sacrifice that Jesus gives to us to save us from ourselves.

And then it gets even better
Because come Sunday Jesus stands up and walks out of the grave and sets us free from our sin forever. This should be the biggest thing that the Church talks about for the rest of the week. That is what really matters this week is that we have been set free from sin. That there is this amazing guy named Jesus, who is also God, who died on a cross for you and me.  This week I would like to think not about the sin in myself and the world but rather see the person who freed me from my sin.

So for me I'm gonna spend the rest of this week thinking about Jesus setting me free from sin
I want this week to be about God setting us free from sin.  Including homosexuality, sexual immorality, lust, judgment, greed, etc.  I want to stop fighting for the world to live like me and fight to point the world to the man who died to save us from sin. I want to love first.  I want to die on the same hill Jesus died on, the hill of love. I'm tired of fighting sin in a world of sinners I want to fight for love in a world that knows not love.  The issue of same-sex marriage can be addressed at another time. For this week I want love to be seen on earth.  I want the world to see that God is love.  For now I would rather see us shout about the fact that Jesus died on a cross to save sinners, like me, than point out peoples sin.  I want to die on the cross next to Jesus, dying to show love.

Please join me in focusing not on sin but on love. Because I believe the goal is to fight hate with love not fight disagreements with judgment and politics.

What do you think?  What should the focus be this week?        

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