(All that I am is dry bones
Without You Lord, a desert soul.... Rend Collective Experiment)
I've never really spent time in a desert, I mean I grew up in Minnesota
And now live in Michigan, neither place is a desert. But I can take a guess that a desert is a place that I don't want to be, why do people move to Arizona again? I mean most deserts are hot and have no rain at all and therefore little or no water. But the even crazier part about a desert, a hot desert anyways, is that when it does rain it doesn't really do anything to help the dryness of the desert. In fact it gets worse because when rain does comes to a desert the water runs down the hills and cracks in the desert so fast that it is so dangerous that if you are in a desert when it rains you my very well die of drowning because the ground is so parched that it cannot absorb the water fast enough to do any thing to stop the water from running away. The ground simply cannot handle the water because it has become so use to being dry.
I guess sometimes I feel like a desert
Sometimes no matter how much time I spend praying or reading my Bible or writing I just can't seem to feel anything other than parched. As much rain as I can put into my life it just never seems to do anything but run right over me like a desert. And here is where I'm gonna say something that seems strange even to me. But yet is the only thing that ever works. At that is simply that sometimes I need to stop trying to drink more and more and just sit down and little the living water come a heal my soul. I mean I guess sometimes God just wants us to sit down in the desert and wait for him to bring us a class of water. Sometimes he wants me to stop walking toward the edge of the desert and just be happy where I am trusting that he's gonna give me Living Water rather then a down pour that kills my soul. I guess this thought is still a work in progress but I'm thinking that for now God is telling me to be okay with trusting that he will give me what I need rather than me trying so hard to find out what tomorrow brings I just need to be content with where God has me right now. So here is to finding Living Water in a desert of sand.
What do you do when you feel like a desert soul?
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