What is your story? What would you tell to a friend about your journey over the last few months or years?
How are you seeing God work in your life? How do you feel lost? How do you feel found? What is the thing(s) in life right now that define you? What is your story?
Here is mine
It will only scratch the surface of my life and even if I had all the time in the world and a book deal I would struggle with what to write. This story does not have an ending, in fact it seems farther from even having a clear flow at the moment then it ever has. Today this story seem more complicated and more confusing than it ever has but it is the story that I will tell and at some point in life I am sure it will have a chapter ending but for now it is in the middle of a chapter I can not see the end of yet, oh how I wish I could skip a head and see the chapter break but for now I am taking it one word at a time. So here we go.
January 2012 I sit in my bed room in my parents house
I am on the phone talking to my brother, like we did from time to time back then. We are talking about the normal everyday stuff, you know Basketball and how great his church is, when he gets a more serious tone and says "Hey so you know I am just about to buy a house and I am looking for a roommate and after all this praying and talking to people I can only think of one person that I would want to be my roommate and that is you." To which I think "I'm not moving anywhere near Detroit! I want the west coast not Detroit, God!"
February 2012, Superbowl Sunday, at half time we talk again.
A few weeks later he comes in town for our friends wedding and I am still thinking "Josh I just don't think its happening, I mean I am doing great things here and I feel God at work in my life right here."
Then comes April when I come out to Detroit to visit looking for God to send some kind of crazy sign that he wants me here. But rather then that I just end up driving home, with nothing crazy having happened, knowing the whole way home that I will soon be moving to Detroit.
Now fast forward to now
At the moment I sit in a coffee shop in Famington Michigan a few miles away from Detroit and Redford the place I now call home. In the time since April I have moved to a new state, started a different job, started grad school, had my heart broken, considered dropping out of grad school, considered moving back to Minnesota and struggled with what the hell God is doing with my life and why he has me here in Michigan for this time.
But you want to know the crazy part?
There is one way that I can explain what I feel about what God has been showing me. One thought that keeps coming back to me. One thing I cannot shake from my mind. It is this simple thought "Trust the Storyteller". Every time I am in a place of doubt, every time I want to say "God I am done trusting you, I'm doing this on my own!" He simply says to me "Adam, Trust the Storyteller". All God wants from me right now is to trust him that he is writing this chapter, the paragraph, this sentence, the next word.... He isn't asking me to think about tomorrow, or worry about the next chapter, he simply wants me here right now. He wants me to learn to trust him, the Storyteller, to bring this chapter of my life to the place he wants it to be.
Think about it like this....
Could anyone other than J.R.R. Tolkien have wrote the Lord of the Rings? Could anyone other the J.K. Rowling have done Harry Potter? Can any author other then C.S. Lewis have written The Chronicles of Narnia? I would say the answer is, a resounding, NO! So then the great question, for me personally, is why do I keep trying so hard to write My Story when only the Storyteller, God, can write my story? I guess that is the way I try to see it is that my story is in the hands of the only person who can write my story. And if right now I don't have any idea where its going then I just need to hold on tight and trust the Storyteller to get me to a chapter break alive, and I know he will because I don't think my story has come to an end yet!
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