Sunday, February 3, 2013

What Defines you?

I am a rather tall person
For those of you who either don't know me or just haven't been paying attention I am tall.  At 6 foot 4 inches I am taller than something like 92 percent of the population of the world.  And as such it is not uncommon for random, and I mean truly random people like kids at Wal-Mart or People at Church that I've yet to have a conversation with will simply blurt out, before anything else is said, "You're really tall!"  So at this point in my life hearing this is so common place that I will simply say "Yes. I am" and move on like nothing out of the ordinary happened.  Now I could easily say that being tall is something that defines me, and to many people this is a way to define me.  I mean I am indeed tall.  But it is rare that I think of my height as something special or even allow it to define me; in fact I often wish I was shorter because than I would be able to have an easier time relating to younger kids (They are often scared of me because I am so tall) and wouldn't have to deal with the "Oh you're tall can you get this down for me?" All the time, I mean I am happy to help but it gets old because I never get to ask someone shorter than me "Hey you're short can you get this for me?"

So in my life I have learned to not define myself by my height
I have learned to, unless as a joke, not use my height as something that makes me special or set apart. But yet the question still lingers 'What defines you?'  Am I defined by the fact that I am a musician? Am I defined by the fact that I am in grad school?  Or that I am a writer (want to be)?  Am I defined by my job?  Or where I live? Or by my relationship status? Or even by my actions and the way I show love?

I guess I think that if I were to be defined by anything in my life I know what I want it to be
I want to be defined by how the person who loves me most sees me.  I want the greatest love of my life to be the person who defines me.  I want nothing else to matter when it comes to defining who I am because when I come to that person, the one who loves me most, I know that they will see me as I am. Well everyone else will only see my actions or things that I do but not who I am.

This brings me once again to saying that if there is one way I want to be defined 
The thing that I want to define my relationships is this simple and amazing fact.  A thought that we often forget or simply take for granted.  If I could be defined by only one thing it would be this fact.

I am the one Jesus Loves
Did you read that?  You and me we are the people Jesus loves.  The people that God became flesh loved enough to die a criminals death for.  You are the person that Jesus loves.  That thought alone should both rock your world a new every day and hold the world on its axis.  That thought alone is what should define me because if my whole world crashes in to the sea and I'm left with nothing.  If my talents fail and I can no longer work or go to school or write than after all of that I will still be loved by Jesus.

Think about the way my life, and yours, would change if this thought alone defined our lives?
Think how much easier it would be to love those people who are mean to you if what they say does not affect your identity?  Think about how the world would change if we walked in the confidence that are lives our not defined by anything other than God's love?  If we did not define ourselves by where we live or who we voted for but rather lived our lives as people defined only by God's love?

So what defines you?  Is it the stuff in your life or the love of God?    

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