Single Christians Bug me
Again don't get me wrong there are tons of single christian people that I love. Most of my closest friends are single people. I myself am single and therefore I spend a lot of time around single people. But single Christians still bug me. Because again singles can seemingly only talk about being single in two ways. And are seemingly unable or unwilling to talk about in a way that isn't just an extreme to one side or the other.
Let's spend a few minutes looking at the two sides
On one side you have the people, once again, who can only talk about how horrible it is to be single. You know these people. The girl who is always talking about how much she wants kids and a husband even when shes around a bunch of guys who are clearly thinking 'Girl if your that desperate I do want anything to do with you!' Now guys are maybe a little less vocal about their desire to not be single but its still there. Think about the guy who in every conversation fits in the fact that they are single. I always want to be like "Thats awesome bro that you are single but I just don't care." Every single person on earth is guilty of this at some point. As a single person I apologize for acting like being single is painful sickness that I need to simply find a women to heal my problems. Last I checked adding another life to my crazy life doesn't really seem to add up to an easier life but rather double the stuff to struggle through.
Next you've got the people who act like being single is the most amazing thing ever. This is most often seen in men. We sit there and so how awesome it is to be single "Man, I can do whatever I want whenever I want." "Being single is awesome because I can date whoever I want." I can't say I know of any women who act like being single is great but if you know any let me know. But this is such a stupid thing to me. I mean yeah I like being able to do what I want but I would trade all that for a girl who would love me in a heartbeat.
But there's more to it than that
Being single is not a sickness. According to scripture it is a blessing because it means I get to spend more time working for God's Kingdom come on earth. Which is pretty awesome but I still would gladly give up this blessing to be married.
I guess what I'm getting at again is we can do better
Single people act like being single is great or horrible and married people do the same. I just think we can do a better job of looking at the two. They both have pros and cons. I'm sure married people have times when the wish they were single and I know for damn sure that single people have times when they wish they were married. So if you are married I challenge you to go found some single people and speak the truth about marriage with them. Tell them about the ups and downs. About how some days you don't want to be married and some days you can't think of ever being any where else. And do your best to talk about marriage in a way that shows them how hard and amazing it is to be married because us single people need and want to know about that.
And if you are single
Go find some married people and learn from them. Learn about how to be married and how hard and amazing it is to be married. But also enjoy your time being single because once you get married its over, and for the rest of your life you have to think about another person. Finally if you are single don't act like being single is amazing when you are around married people. They were single once they get how awesome it is and how horrible it is being single. Just can we all agree to just have real, open, and honest conversations about being single and married. I believe we owe that to each other as Christian people to talk about something like this is an honest way.
Do you find yourself talking about Marriage or Singleness in a overly good or bad way? If so what can you do gain a clearer understanding of the married or single life?
Well said Adam. I think I do tend to fall into the former camp of thinking of singleness as horrible. It is something I have been working on for years...and I am starting to get into a much healthier place now than I was a few years ago. Still, I have much room to grow. Luckily, many of my friends are married as well, so it has been cool getting to see them interact. Sometimes I see compliments and service, and sometimes I witness arguments and squabbling.
ReplyDeleteI do pray that I can get married at some point, but I know it isn't the end-all or fix-all. God is. The more I make Him my focus, the healthier my life will be and the better husband I will become.
Flip, Thanks for the encouraging word. I totally know how you feel about this. I have long felt like Marriage would 'fix' my problems but have learned that singleness is a blessing, that just so happens to suck sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI think that praying and growing closer to God is for sure the best thing anyone can do for their future, or current, marriage. Keep on keeping on brother!